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Memoir Making: Writing a Chapter of your Life

In this transformative 4-week workshop, participants will embark on a journey from a mere seed of an idea to a fully realized and polished memoir draft centered around a pivotal event or a collection of vignettes tied to a central theme. Throughout the course, a sequence of carefully crafted activities will be employed, fostering a safe and supportive environment that encourages participants to explore even the most difficult stories. Using a proven writing process and workshop model, attendees will emerge with a powerful, publishable chapter memoir in hand, presented in the form of a beautifully crafted, handmade book. Join us on this empowering journey towards capturing and sharing your unique life story.


“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”—Maya Angelou

I Finding the seed idea for your story. Reading exemplar memoir excerpts. How to speak the unspeakable. Getting over your inner critic. Trust the process.

II Crafting the First Draft. Rules for Narrative Writing. Character arc, dialogue, imagery and vividness, dialogue.

III Revising the 2nd Draft. Revision checklist.

IV Book making, book binding. Crafting your actual physical book.

Includes all handouts, art materials, services of a seasoned writing professor and writer.

4-week class: $200, 2 hr per session 2 times per week, virtual or in person, total 16 hours

Drop-in session: $20 with experienced