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Rendezvous with Rumi

Join us for "Rendezvous with Rumi," a series of creative activities that combine movement, poetry, and art, all inspired by the teachings of the great mystic and poet, Rumi. No other mystic has so penetrated the heart as an offering to the divine as “our Master” or “Mawlana.”

In this workshop, we open our souls to the mystic intensity of Rumi’s verse and combine it with the Sufi tradition of whirling dervish dancing. Using his poetry as inspiration, we go into a “trance-like state” to uncover the love within us, dance with the universe, and laugh with the knowledge that we are connected in Love—the force that transcends time, culture, and ego.

Pearls of his wisdom echo through the centuries:

"The wound is the place where the Light enters you." 

"What you seek is seeking you." 

"Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself."

"Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love."


Workshop Activities:

I. Warming up the heart. Finding intention, longing, connection in various group exercises. Breaking the ice through a “chance” finding of a spiritual quote, journaling and somatic explication. Finding connection from the self to the community through affinity with short verses composed in the spirit and style of the Master

-introduction to the life and work of Rumi

II Poetic Lectio Divina:  each participant chooses a specific poetic excerpt from Rumi’s works and Reads, Reflects, Responds in prayer/poetry, and Rests in silence. Journaling, visual and verbal, to some of his most poignant verses of his compendium

III Transition into a visual art piece that synthesizes the movement, poetry using sacred script

IV Feeling the Ecstasy. Bursting the Heart. Culmination: Intuitive Movement/Music.

-whirling dervish dance and intuitive movement to discover the still point of the inner heart in the turning world of the outside. Each participant performs their response to Rumi’s quote as a whirling dervish.

V Sharing/Witnessing the Love. Synthesis of Group Experience by composing a group poem

Small group of maximum 6: $25 for an hour and a half

-all art materials provided

-facilitation by an Expressive Arts Consultant and Educator following the professional and ethical standards of IEATA and English professor, writer, and artist